somewhere to live!
Not a bad week this one so far!
accepted a flat in a lovely area of warrington on monday, and got rid of the cast on my arm on tuesday!!!
and it looks like i should be moved in by the end of next week!
Not a bad week this one so far!
accepted a flat in a lovely area of warrington on monday, and got rid of the cast on my arm on tuesday!!!
and it looks like i should be moved in by the end of next week!
well it seems that the powers that be have offered me a flat in one of the most salubrious of warringtons suburbs! but what the hey! its somewhere to live, just me and the dog!!
and the plaster comes off my arm on tuesday, cant wait!!
ps, love the comments, but if you know that much you would know it was a metal bin that was also used for something else.......?
so , here i am, back in warrington and wondering just where my life will take me next.
first job is to find myself somewhere to live, my folks have decided that they cant cope with the added stress and expense of me and zakk living with them, so i have become homeless. as well as being jobless and penniless.
i hate being at the mercy of the benefits system, but it would appear that my fate is to be decided by people who have to abide by procedures and regulations decreed by people who have never ben within a country mile of the situation i find myself in. the last income i got was at the end of feb, and its still going to be a while until i get any money!
i cant work cos i am signed off by the doctor for the broken arm, so i cant even go and get a job!
sorry for all the moaning, but hey, thats life
not that it matters anyway, cos i know that noone ever reads this!
heres a question for you, on a planet with so many milions of people, why is it so easy to be unbearably lonely?
ah well, life must go on i suppose, it just always seems to be going in the opposite direction to me.